How do I print the property information?

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mootools user
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How do I print the property information?

Post by mootools user » Thu Jul 05, 2007 3:11 pm

An user asks:

How do I print the property information? For example, the Title, the Subject, the Notes, the Category, the Author, town, state, country, contacts

I have read instructions til I am blue in the face and still can't figure it out. This software is extremely easy and I like it a lot, but I can't figure out how to print the above.

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Re: How do I print the property information?

Post by mootools » Thu Jul 05, 2007 3:12 pm

Printing property information can be performed using Tags.

Tags appears in many 3D Photo Browser features:

- Edit > Preferences > Custom Display
- Tools > Export slides show
- File > Print catalog

Let's look how to use it on the print catalog feature:

1- Open Edit > Print Catalog
2- In the Printer and templates tabs, select a template. Ie 6 images per pages.brp


3- Select the Text tab
4- Check Cell if needed and click Edit button just below
5- Click on Tags button right the text area and select an entry.


A tag is added in the text area at the text cursor position. There is many tags, each tags match for a given file property:
  • <brtfilename>: file extension
    <brtfilename>: file size
    <brtfilename>: file date
    <bmapexposuretime>: digital camera exif exposure time
    <brt3dfaces>: 3D scene face number
    <brtsdartist>: MP3 file artist tag
The tags button gives an access to each tag, sorted by category.

For example the following tags displays the short path of the image and the width and height of the images.


And you see what is the printed result here:


mootools user
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Re: How do I print the property information?

Post by mootools user » Thu Jul 05, 2007 3:12 pm

I already did what you have shown me below. I understood that, about tags. The problem is that I want to know if I can print the information that is on the left hand side of the screen that I entered under: Information - Description: Title, Subject, Notes, Category; Contacts - Author, Society, Town, State, Country, Contacts. All of that information I would like to print. Can that be done and if so how?

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Re: How do I print the property information?

Post by mootools » Thu Jul 05, 2007 3:13 pm

This can be done exactly the same way.

1- Open Edit > Print Catalog
2- Select the Text tab 3- Check Cell if needed and click Edit button just below
4- Click on Tags button right the text area, select the following entries:

Tags > File - Description > Title (<brttitle>): this tag displays the title field you entered in the information Window.
Tags > File - Description > Subject (<brtsubject>): this tag displays the subject field you entered in the information Window.
Tags > File - Description > Notes (<brtcomments>): this tag displays the notes field you entered in the the information Window.

Format and position these tags as you want in the text area, using the formatting toolbar. An example is show below.


The printing results is:


Some information might be missing for your images. Ie. the field title might be missing. In this case nothing is displayed right title and the printing result is:


To avoid this, you may use the conditional tags as below:

<tagifexist>Title: <brttitle><tagendifexist>

These tags ensure that title is displayed only if the title fields is not empty.

You can perform a similar tasks to customize the thumbnails view:

1- Open Edit > Preferences
2- Select Custom Display
3- Select Images Files in the dropdown menu
4- Select and format your tags as you want.


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