Polygon Crucher SDK - Documentation
No Matches
Compilation under MacOS

Compilation environment

SDK is compiled with XCode 14

The SDK is provided as universal macOS binary in 2 versions

The demo version of the SDK only contains the debug version.
As a result it is really much slower thant the release but allows to perform all implementation to make a POC.

Preprocessor directives

You need to define some preprocessor directives in the compiler to use the SDK.

Includes and namespace

The code is encapsulated in mootools namespace. You may use USE_MOOTOOLS_NAMESPACE is you want to use that namespace automatically.

Otherwise mootools:: must be placed before any SDK name (ie mootools::C3DIo)

File format support

Support of 3D formats is performed through libPolygonCruncherSDKIO.moox. This file is a dynamic library.

If you need to have 3D I/O file support, you must provide this library with your software.

Running the application

You must provide libPolygonCruncherSDK.dylib next your application path. You can optionnaly provide libPolygonCruncherSDKIO.moox

Note: MacOS is looking for:

You application might have different requirement, particularly if the SDK is used by a library which is not located in the executable path folder.

Under XCode you may use the following script in your Build phases > Run Script to perform this task automatically:

cp "${MOOTOOLS_SDK_DIR}/fbx/libfbxsdk.dylib" "${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/libfbxsdk.dylib"
if [ "$CONFIGURATION" == "Debug" ]; then
echo "Debug config detected, copying files"
cp "${MOOTOOLS_SDK_DIR}/SDK/bin/macos_debug/libPolygonCruncherSDK.dylib" "${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/libPolygonCruncherSDK.dylib"
echo "Release config detected, copying files"
"${MOOTOOLS_SDK_DIR}/SDK/bin/macos_release/libPolygonCruncherSDK.dylib" "${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/libPolygonCruncherSDK.dylib"
The class defines an x, y, z 3D point which can use int, float or double.
Definition 3DPoint.h:27